Riru - Clipboard Whitelist

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A module of Riru/Zygisk. Allowing apps to access the clipboard in the background on Android 10.



Allowing apps to access the clipboard in the background on Android 10+.

Multi-User Support

Add “Clipboard” app to other user and configure it.


  1. Install JDK, Android SDK

  2. Configure SDK path in local.properties

  3. Configure built-in manager app signing in signing.properties

    keystore.password=<keystore password>
    key.alias=<key alias>
    key.password=<key password>
  4. Run build command

    ./gradlew module:assembleRelease
  5. Pick <injector>-clipboard-whitelist-<version>.zip from module/build/outputs/magisk/<injector>/<build-type>

Download Link

Module Info

Type : module
Date Release :
If the link is broken or there is something that needs to be updated in the post contact us.

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