F-Droid Privileged Extension

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Other modules

MIUI / ANX Camera

ANXCameraT MIUI Camera Port Magisk module for AOSP-based ROMs. A modified version of the original ANXCamera by @AEonAX, aims to work on Android 12+ since ANXCamera’s not officially supports it. More information about ANXCamera: :earth_americas: Official Website | :book: WIKI Check dev branch …...

Viper4Android FX Magisk Module For Audio Equalizer Android

This time I discuss the Magisk module which is quite popular among the Android community, namely viper4android FX which was ported as the Magisk module and KSU module by several developers, so this module functions to add a manual audio equalizer to the speakers or handsets of our devices. We must …...

AudioFX LineageOS Magisk Module

DISCLAIMER LineageOS apps and blobs are owned by LineageOS�. The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for LineageOS apps and blobs. Descriptions Equalizer soundfx ported from LineageOS ROM and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk …...

Android Hardware Optimization Magisk Ksu Module

Increase performance and improve display smoothness/responsiveness also change rendering from software to hardware rendering. Link Pling ...

Disable high volume warning

By : onimorza

The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standarisation regulates all media playback devices sold in the European Union to have an output volume warning at 85dB: Users can increase the volume to a maximum of 100dB by accepting the warning, yet the warning reappears after 20hours of music …...

Gps Boost Magisk and kernelsu modules

By : Oleg_Skalskiy

Optimization of work and boost of GPS for Snapdragon devices Notes Only for Snapdragon devices! Link download ...

AdGuardDNS4Magisk Magisk Or Ksu Modules

Fork from xerta555/CloudflareDNS4Magisk DNS ?? Gne ?? What’s this ? To make it short: a DNS server listen and give you the corresponding IP address of your website request, and its domain name (forum.xda-developers.com for example). For the long version a little reading is necessary: …...

AM3D Zirene Sound Ryuki Mod

DISCLAIMER AM3D apps and blobs are owned by AM3D™. The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for AM3D apps and blobs. Descriptions Equalizer soundfx ported from SHARP Aquos SHV33 and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk Global type …...

FirusXinjektor Magisk Ksu Module

Elevate your experience with customizable profiles! Changelogs Must try once. Specially Improved for smoothness. Added New Misc Tweaks. Added TCP tweaks. Added some settings for profiles. Added many more tweaks. Improved Improved overall tweaks. Improved VM Tweaks. Improved priority functions. …...

Disable Target API Block Magisk and kernelsu modules

Android 14, Google started blocking old apps (those targeting a target API lower than 23, i.e. anything before Marshmallow/Android 6) from being installed. While this behaviour can be overridden by calling adb install (respectively pm install if you’ve got access to a root shell on your …...

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