ExSDCard Write Access Enabler

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Run bg-dexopt-job optimization every 3 days automatically Link Download ...

Youtube Revanced Premium Magisk Kernelsu Module

YouTube ReVanced is a modified version of YouTube that offers a range of additional features and benefits. It aims to provide users with an enhanced video streaming experience while giving content creators more opportunities to engage with their audience. What is YouTube ReVanced? YouTube ReVanced …...

Magical Overlayfs Magisk Ksu Module

Use OverlayFS to make read-only system partitions become read-write partitions. OverlayFS MUST be supported by kernel! Recommended for EROFS ROMs. Changelog The release from the upstream repo of v3.2.2 is broken somehow with Magisk v27.0. I simply rebuilt it per comments in open issues on that repo …...

Universal SafetyNet Fix Magisk KSU Module

Magisk module to work around Google’s SafetyNet and Play Integrity attestation. This module works around hardware attestation and updates to SafetyNet and Play Integrity CTS profile checks. You must already be able to pass basic CTS profile attestation, which requires a valid combination of …...


By : symbuzzer

A simple self-updateable Magisk and KernelSU module for setting the saturation of the panel to 2x or 1.5x Download Link Download Link ...

MIUI / ANX Camera

A modified version of the original ANXCamera by @AEonAX, aims to work on Android 12+ since ANXCamera’s not officially supports it. More information about ANXCamera: :earth_americas: Official Website | :book: WIKI Check dev branch for recent commits/updates. Features Support Android 12-14 …...

Proximity Sensor Disabler

By : reiryuki

Descriptions Removes android.hardware.sensor.proximity feature systemlessly Disables proximity sensor completely in some supported ROMs Disables proximity fusion sensor in some ROMs Requirements Magisk or KernelSU installed Installation Guide & Download Link Install this module …...

EdXposed Framework Manager

Companion Android application for EdXposed. Link Download ...

DTSX Ultra ZTE A2020G Pro Magisk Module

By : ryukinotes

DISCLAIMER DTS app and blobs are owned by DTS�. The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for DTS app and blobs. Descriptions Equalizer sound effect ported from ZTE A2020G Pro (P855A01) and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk Post …...

Task Optimizer Magisk Ksu Module

This script is designed to optimize system performance by prioritizing tasks, adjusting CPU affinity, and setting real-time priorities for critical processes. It begins by defining functions to change various parameters such as CPU affinity, process priorities, and IRQ affinities. The main …...