- DTS app and blobs are owned by DTS�.
- The MIT license specified here is for the Magisk Module only, not for DTS app and blobs.
- Equalizer sound effect ported from ZTE A2020G Pro (P855A01) and integrated as a Magisk Module for all supported and rooted devices with Magisk
- Post process type sound effect
- Changes/spoofs ro.build.product to P855A01 and ro.product.model to ZTE A2020G Pro which may break some system apps and features functionality
- https://dumps.tadiphone.dev/dumps/zte/p855a01 msmnile-user-9-PKQ1.190328.001-68-release-keys
- offline_hptuning.db & dts-eagle.lic: https://github.com/C457/proprietary_vendor_zte_pine/tree/c22a26a9074dbf3f0bb6fbc43e7203531145d78e
- libdtsaudio.so: https://github.com/TadiT7/nubia_nx619j_dump/tree/76a9813a81f1973fcbff9dd21d53b6e9040a45f8
- libmagiskpolicy.so: Kitsune Mask R6687BB53
- arm64-v8a or armeabi-v7a architecture
- Android 6 (SDK 23) and up
- Magisk or KernelSU installed
Installation Guide & Download Link
- Install this module https://www.pling.com/p/1531642/ via Magisk app or KernelSU app or Recovery if Magisk installed
- Install AML Magisk Module https://t.me/ryukinotes/34 only if using any other else audio mod module
- If you are using KernelSU, you need to disable Unmount Modules by Default in KernelSU app settings
- Reboot
- If you are using KernelSU, you need to allow superuser list manually all package name listed in package.txt (and your home launcher app also) (enable show system apps) and reboot afterwards
- If you are using SUList, you need to allow list manually your home launcher app (enable show system apps) and reboot afterwards
Troubleshootings and Optionals
- https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/3107
- Global: https://t.me/ryukinotes/34
- Global: https://t.me/ryukinotes/35
- Stream: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/26764
Support & Bug Report
- https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/2618
- If you don’t do above, issues will be closed immediately
Known Issues
- Probably still bug microphone in game apps in some devices
- Does not work in Android 14 QPR3 (AP2A)
Credits and Contributors
- @HuskyDG
- https://t.me/viperatmos
- https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions
- You can contribute ideas about this Magisk Module here: https://t.me/androidappsportdevelopment
Module Info
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