Download Custom Rom Project Matrixx OS Android 14 For Xiaomi Mi 11i | Redmi K40 Pro | Redmi K40 Pro+ | Mi 11X (hydn).
- Relax Refresh rate timers
- Downgrade zram to 2GB
- switch to lz4 for zram
- Disable proximity usage during doze
- Disable lift to check phone by default
- move citsensorservice to background cpuset
- configure TCP buffer sizes per network type
- configure wifi TCP buffer sizes
- Switch to AOSP WFD (to fix cast)
- Force disable low ram config
- Import Diag HAL
- Move to Xiaomi IR AIDL
- Drop SDM LiveDisplay service
- Switch to common lineage Powershare hal
- Update perf configs from AOSPA
- perf: Disable IOP
- perf: Remove ro.vendor.at_library
- perf: Disable gesture fling boost
- Use foreground uclamp for hwcomposer
- Use foreground cpuset/uclamp for gralloc
- Use HintManager for HWUI
- Use task_profiles from ROM source
- Remove order preference for Thermal Profiles
- Fixed lag in pip mode
- Disable pocket mode lock
- Enabled force LTE_CA toggle
Clean Flash
- Download and boot into Ofox/TWRP image using
- fastboot boot recovery.img OR fastboot boot [BOOT]3.7.0_12-RedmiK40Pro[Pro+]-Mi11XPro-Mi11i_v8.0_A13-haydn-skkk.img
- Wipe Data, Metadata, Cache, Dalvik-Cache
- Copy ROM to Internal Storage and Flash ROM & Recovery OR Sideload ROM
- Reboot Recovery (Not Needed if using TWRP A14 (Skkk 8.0) you can directly format data)
- Format Data
- Reboot System
Dirty Flash
- Reboot Recovery
- Flash ROM & Recovery
- Reboot System
Dirty Flash
- After flashing the ROM it might show some errors but it’s fine
- TWRP doesn’t have a flashable zip, just use the “Automatically reflash TWRP after flashing ROM” option
- Synced with latest source
- QPR3 September security patch
- Signed build | SafetyNet pass by default
- Use A14 TWRP for decryption..
Download Link
Device Info
Type : rom
Device : Mi 11i | Redmi K40 Pro | Redmi K40 Pro+ | Mi 11X
Codename : hydn