Download Derpfest OS Android 13 Redmi Note 5 pro

Download Custom Rom Derpfest OS android 13 Xiaomi redmi note 5 pro whyred.
- Disable HWC composition strategy prediction
- Enable latch unsignaled surfaceflinger
- Set low battery warning to 15%
- Set critical battery warning level to 8%
- Rebase kernel over NopeNope’s SiLonT fork + KSU
- Suppress more unnecessary log
- Update deprecated overlay
- This build comes with Dynamic Partition
- To install, follow this step carefully
- Dirty flash possible from A13 CI build released on 4 October 2023, otherwise clean flash
- Make sure to let ROM settle in for at least 2-3 days to give it proper optimization phase. It is fine if the rom stuttering on day 1 after install
- As always, count this build as personal build since I don’t have any plan to make this as official in the future,
- For now, I’ll put the Android 14 build on hold and perhaps focused more on this one
By - @Yuu_kiho
Download Link
Device Info
Type : rom
Device : redmi note 5 pro
Codename : whyred
Date Release :
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