AfterLife Android 14 Xiaomi 9T Pro

Download Custom Rom Afterlife Android 14 For Xiaomi 9T Pro Raphael.
- Nuked obsolete configs
- Updated and fixed uclamp tune
- Optimized and Update Wlan config
- Fix Leica-5.0 for front
- Don’t use proximity sensor for DozeSensors, fixup brick screen off fod
- Move Irq balance stuff to trees
- Sync some of the refresh rate properties with Pixel props
- Optimize vm dex props
- Force set thermal config to dynamic evaluation
- Update gpu adreno to V@0757.0 from @LyNcHP1N
- Switch back to lz4 for zram decomp
- Updated KProfiles to 6.0.0
- Shipped with BoolX Kernel 4.14.336 & latest KernelSU 0.9.0
- Optimized system and vendor props
- Nuked safetnet hacks
- Replaced DC dimming and HBM mode with Live display 2.1 Stuff
- Reverted forcing to 32bit caused not supported some apps
- Fixups Refresh Rate on some apps with going up to 90HZ like blackhole etc
- Build Otomusic Player
- Disable Zram writeback
- Add System UI restart for advanced restart
- Updated kernel cmd flags and more sync to Boolx config
- Add refresh rate control
- Required R firmware with your region
- Only Core Gapps Build
- Make a NAND Backup. Be Safe
- OSS Vendor and Bool-X Kernel - Rom is decrypted by default so no need to flash dfe.
- Recommended use Ofox official
By @onettboots
Download Link
Device Info
Type : rom
Device : xiaomi 9T Pro
Codename : raphael
Date Release :
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