Download Rom Project Zephyrus Android 14 Poco F1

Download Custom Rom Project Zephyrus android 14 poco f1 Beryllium.
How to Install
Recovery image Super_empty image
- Do not try to switch to any other kernel than stock or radioactive v2.
- Do not use any other recovery than Zephyrus recovery or Orangefox Dynamic recovery.
- You must format data with given Zephyrus recovery or Orangefox Dynamic recovery.
You must clean flash in following cases
- You are coming from any other ROM or MIUI
- You are coming from previous Android Version
- You are coming from Non Retrofit Dynamic ROM
Clean Flash (coming from a different ROM)
Clean flash involves formatting data which means you will be loosing data stored in the internal storage of your device, data in SD Card should not be affected. I will not be responsible for any loss of data. 1 Download ROM, recovery and super_empty files to your computer 2 Reboot the device to bootloader (Fastboot Mode) 3 Flash empty super image by running fastboot wipe-super <path/to/super_empty.img> in terminal 4 Flash recovery image by running fastboot flash recovery <path/to/recovery.img> in terminal 5 Reboot to recovery mode 6 Go to main menu > Factory reset > Format data/factory reset > Format data - Back to Main menu 7 Reboot to recovery mode again 8 On your phone [which is in recovery mode], Apply update > Apply from ADB Flash the ROM through ADB sideload by running adb sideload <path/to/> in terminal 9- Reboot
Dirty Flash / Update
There will be no loss of data if everything goes well. Keep backups incase of any mishap. I will not be responsible for any loss of data.
1 Download ROM file to your computer 2 Reboot the device to recovery 3 On your phone [which is in recovery mode], Apply update > Apply from ADB 4 Flash the ROM through ADB sideload by running adb sideload <path/to/> in terminal 5 Reboot
- If you get the following error: fastboot: usage: unknown command wipe-super, make sure ADB and fastboot are updated to the latest version. You need fastboot version 28.0.2 or greater.
Device Changelog
- Switched to retrofit dynamic partitions
- Fully fixed instagram and yt playback issues
- Added support for google dialer call recording
- Fixed google recorder issues
- Fixed carrier video calling
- Added LDAC codec support
- Improved smoothness and battery backup
Source Changelog
- Merged Android_14.0.0_r25 (February SPL)
- Added Support Of LinkToWindows
- Imported Pixel CarrierSettings
- Add capability to allow tethering to use VPN upstreams
- Misc Changes and improvements in uI/uX feel
- Fixed Pulse related settings