Download Rom Afterlife Android 14 Redmi Note 7 pro

Download Custom Rom Afterlife android 14 Xiaomi redmi note 7 pro Violet
- Disable SF client composition cache
- Import more surface flinger flags
- Enable casefolding support on userdata
- Use FUSE passthrough by default
- add seperated fstab for recovery
- Drop androidboot.{android_dt_dir,boot_devices}
- Add back barrier=1 and discard into fstab
- Move FUSE Passthrough to
- Show “Turbo charging” instead of “Charging rapidly”
- Improve battery backup
- LA.UM.9.1.r1-15900-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0
- Mics changes and improvement
Flash the provided TWRP / Orangefox
Reboot into recovery
- Wipe Dalvik,Cache ;( Don’t touch anything other than these 2)
- Format data;
- Flash ROM;
- Reboot recovery;
- Format data if encrypted;(If you were decrypted and want to stay decrypted flash DFE v5)
- Boot to system
N.B: Super empty incuded in rom zip
Download Link
Device Info
Type : rom
Device : redmi note 7 pro
Codename : violet
Date Release :
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